CEO Message

Message From The CEO
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the world of NevrSel. Here you will find a comprehensive, in-depth review of our company, reflecting the pride NevrSel multinational employees take in our ongoing growth and current success. It also conveys our sense of mission and vision to become the preferred regional leader in contracting.
Today, change is everywhere. Our customer’s markets are evolving rapidly in project demands, new-designs, new technology, latest projects solutions, and new manufacturing trends. For companies that can see potential in these challenges, this is a good time to be in business. From its foundation in 1985, NevrSel has sought to adapt quickly to customer needs and requirements. Our tradition of ingenuity has driven continuous improvement in the way we operate.
NevrSel Shareholders Statement

Sheikh / Fahad Al-Ghamdi
MBA, PMP & BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Shareholder, The Chairman
What makes an organization special? Why choose to work with one over another? There are many reasons and considerations, but at NevrSel, we feel that our biggest asset is our people. As individuals, as teams and as a company, how we perform and what we deliver is what makes us distinct.
With over twenty five years history of growth and expansion, NevrSel has become one of the fastest-growing companies globally and a leading conglomerate in Egypt.
The people who work at NevrSel have a deep commitment to quality and results. We look beyond the expected to the exceptional. With a strong sense of responsibility to the communities in which we operate, we are focused on making the world a better place.
I invite you to learn more about NevrSel and all the ways we can work together to accomplish great things.

MBA, PMP & BSc in Mechanical Engineering
Shareholder, Head of Business Development
Some businesses might as well lower their standards because it is their business model, and sell their product/service cheap, with a quality so low that it can be quite surprising. If you want to do the same with yours that is your call, but know up to what point what you are selling can be cheapened, and to what point you will be selling short not only your product or service, but what you or the company behind it envisioned when conceiving it. It’s all about principles.
Also, at times it might not even be about price alone, but others cards at play: if you conduct an ethical business, great deals with unethical companies might be selling your product/service short. If you are conducting business for a company proud of its high social responsibility standards, and find yourself negotiating with a company known for being on the other side of such field, it might be even worse than selling below the price principle. Price is one of the variables involved, and principles go way beyond a simple matter of money.
Just as you have principles on your personal life, business you conduct should have theirs as well: is it the lower quality one that can be sold really cheap, or is it the higher standards one? Never lower your standards because of clients’ pressure, more than your principles allow, for it may be impossible to go back. Know your negotiation window, and if the focus in place is simply being the cheapest, or aiming to be the best (on all parts of the business).

MBA, PMP, PMM & BSc in Mechanical
Shareholder, Head of Operation Department
Today, NevrSel is transforming itself to take advantage of the latest acquisition from Sheikh Fahad Al-Ghamdi and expanding the services to KSA. We are reshaping our business units to ensure they are equipped to take advantage of emerging trends in growing markets. These include transportation, electronics, design, trading, inducterial, tanks, pipelines, decontamination, and construction. This transformation aims at making us more agile, cost-efficient, and aligning us ever more closely to the needs and requirements of our customers.
Here, you will also discover our commitment to the communities where we live and work; how we protect and sustain the environment we all share; our pioneering technology and innovation that builds a better future; and, the financial return we offer our shareholders.
At NevrSel , we have always found excitement in challenge. As you browse through this website, you will get a sense of the passion, expertise, reliability, and innovative nature that we bring to our mission. We call this ‘NevrSel for Construction’