Our Partners

Global Partners
As we are experts in the field of spherical tank construction, we are aware of the importance of consolidating our relationship with all parties concerned, either from users, designers, engineering offices, manufacturers, inspection third parties, consultants and supports services providers. Good business relationship, professional communication, and understanding between NevrSel and the sphere execution parties is always leading to accomplish a perfect project management triangle comprised of time, cost and scope
Our Partners

In JAN-2021 NevrSel and STE Engineering Company signed a MOU of business cooperation, S-Tank Engineering Co., Ltd. (STE), as EPC executioner, is a specialized company for the storage tank and has lots of performances and technical knoAw-how in the comprehensive ranges of Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and Chemical Product Storage Tanks; Atmospheric Tank, Spherical Tank, Low Temperature and Cryogenic Tank. having this M.O.U of Business Cooperation, S-Tank Engineering (STE) would like to show the customers that he will cooperate in Egypt on a project and business of mutual interest with NevrSel